Nirmal Kutiya Johalan


ਮਿਹਰਵਾਨ ਮਉਲਾ ਤੁਹੀ ਏਕ || ਪੀਰ ਪੈਕਾਂਬਰ ਸੇਖ ||
ਦਿਲਾ ਕਾ ਮਾਲਕੁ ਕਰੇ ਹਾਕੁ || ਕੁਰਾਨ ਕਤੇਬ ਤੇ ਪਾਕੁ ||੩|| (ਪੰਨਾ ੮੯੭)

You are the One and only merciful Master,
Spiritual teacher, prophet, religious teacher.
Master of hearts, Dispenser of justice,
more sacred than the Koran and the Bible. ||3|| (Page 897)

Sardar Sadhu Singh Sakharian, a baptized Sikh from village Johal, worked as Chargeman in the Railways, at Ajmer. He was a devotee of Sant Baba Basant Singh ji Maharaj. Sant Baba ji made a program of going to Ajmer from Delhi, to bless Sardar ji who had wished to have his DARSHAN.

Sant ji Maharaj reached Ajmer and went to the residence of Sardar ji. A congregation was held where Kirtan was performed and Sant Baba ji gave a religious discourse. All those present in the sangat were very impressed by the Holy words of Sant Baba ji.

Sant Baba ji asked Sardar Sadhu Singh, “Is there a Dargah of a devotee of the Almighty in this town?”

Sardar ji replied, “Yes, Maharaj! There is a dargah of Ajmer Sharif in the city. It is very popular here.”

Sant Baba ji said, “Tomorrow we will go and visit the Dargah.”

This struck as unusual for many. The devotees having full faith in Sant Baba ji however, knew that there was some deep meaning in these words, which they could not understand. Some of them felt that the Dargah was impatient for the Holy feet of Sant Baba ji to visit the shrine. Another sadhu who was at the same level could only understand the level of divinity of Sant Baba ji.

Next morning Sant Baba ji got ready to go to the Dargah. Sangat was also all set to join him. Sant Baba ji wore a white turban, white Gati and an embroidered Jutti (sandal). He carried a three feet long sword in his hand. When the sangat reached the gate of the shrine, the attendant stopped Sant ji Maharaj from entering. He said, “You are carrying a sword. Those with weapons are not permitted to enter the shrine.”

Sant Baba ji asked the attendant politely, “Please tell me if this Dargah is yours or is it of the Almighty?”

When no reply came forth, Sant Baba ji repeated his question, “Is the Dargah yours or of the Lord?”

When there was no response, Sant Baba ji turned back. Immediately a voice was heard from inside the shrine. A tall old man with a white flowing beard was shouting, “Don’t stop him! Don’t stop him! Please give way. Today the Almighty Lord has Himself come to bless the shrine.” He then approached Sant ji Maharaj and said, “Please come inside. This shrine is yours.”

The old man took Sant Baba ji around the shrine. The sangat who were mystified by this incident also silently followed the two saints walking ahead. The old man then came to the gate to send off Sant ji Maharaj.

Sant Ji Maharaj asked the old man, “Sain ji! Are you happy?”

The old man replied with full humility, “Today, I am really happy. The Almighty Lord has come walking to the shrine. My wish has been fulfilled by seeing you.”

Sant Baba ji came out of the shrine with the sangat in tow. When everyone was out, many turned to have the last glimpse of the grand old man who had appeared from nowhere. They could not find the old man, who had disappeared. When the sangat asked Sant Baba ji about the old man, Sant Baba ji replied, “He was the owner of the shrine – Khwaja Moinuddin Hassan Chishti Sahib.”

On hearing this the sangat was euphoric and raised the slogans of ‘Bole so Nihal!’ ‘Sat Sri Akal!’