Nirmal Kutiya Johalan


The discipline at Nirmal Kutiya Johalan today has its roots firmly attached to the ground. It has come about from the times of Sant Baba Basant Singh ji Maharaj, the first chief of the Kutiya. It can be judged that Sant ji Maharaj must have been a very disciplined sadhu exercising a lot of regulated self-control.

Many a times high officials from various Government Departments visited Nirmal Kutiya Johalan to pay their homage to Sant Baba ji. He often asked them, “Sahib! How much time do you have for me?”

If the reply was that the person had come for five minutes, then exactly after five minutes, Sant Baba ji took leave of the gentleman. There was no watch but even then the timing was perfect.

The devotees who observed self discipline were always liked and loved by Sant Baba ji. Whenever an Army officer came to the Kutiya to pay his homage and was not in uniform, he used to say, “Sahib! Army men look good in their uniforms.”

The Army officer understood that Sant Baba ji felt happy on seeing the officer in uniform.

It was also observed at the Kutiya that if a preacher or a musician singing the Holy Hymns exceeded the time allotted to him, Sant Baba ji made him realize his mistake. He said to such individuals, “In case you exceed your time, that means you have taken some one else’s time, which is unfair and not warranted.”

Let us share an incident of this nature, which happened in the town of Caimbalpur, now in Pakistan.

Before the partition of India and Pakistan, the present town of Caimbalpur in Pakistan was in the ‘BAR’ area. “Bar” is the name given to areas in Punjab which were thick forests before the arrival of the modern canal irrigation system. Its soil was very fertile, as this plain was formed by the alluvial soil that had been deposited by rivers flowing from the Himalayas. People of Caimbalpur were devoted to Sikhism and believed in the tenets of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. This was mainly due to the influence and preachings by Sadhus and saints residing in the area.

Bawas – Bhallas of Caimbalpur were devotees of Sant Baba Basant Singh ji Maharaj. On their request, Sant Baba ji went to their house in Caimbalpur, before the partition.

Their house was quite big and situated in a solitary place surrounded by the jungle. Sant Baba Gian Singh ji was also present in the service of his Gurudev Sant Baba Basant Singh ji Maharaj during this journey.

Under the instructions of Sant Baba ji Kirtan was recited. Sant Baba ji did not waste time in idle talk. He had one mission to perform. He wanted people to join in the remembrance of the Almighty Satguru and chant His praises.

The presence of sadhus and saints not only brings happiness, joy and prosperity to individuals residing there but the entire area around also gets blessed. The following verse of Gurbani conveys this in most apt words.

ਜਿਥੈ ਬੈਸਨਿ ਸਾਧ ਜਨ ਸੋ ਥਾਨੁ ਸੁਹੰਦਾ ||
ਓਇ ਸੇਵਨਿ ਸੰਮ੍ਰਿਥੁ ਆਪਣਾ ਬਿਨਸੈ ਸਭੁ ਮੰਦਾ || (ਪੰਨਾ ੩੧੯)

Beautiful is that place, where the Holy people dwell.
They serve their All-powerful Lord, And never think of evil. (Page 319)

People in the town came to know about the presence of a Holy person and many lucky ones started coming to the house to seek blessings from Sant Baba ji. It is believed that due to the good Karma of previous births, one gets to enjoy the company of Holy men, and whoever comes into the fold of such Holy men gets salvation.

ਸੰਤਨ ਬਿਨੁ ਅਵਰੁ ਨ ਦਾਤਾ ਬੀਆ ||
ਜੋ ਜੋ ਸਰਣਿ ਪਰੈ ਸਾਧੂ ਕੀ ਸੋ ਪਾਰਗਰਾਮੀ ਕੀਆ || ਰਹਾਉ || (ਪੰਨਾ ੬੧੦)

Without the Saints, there are no other givers.
Whoever takes to the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints, is carried across. ||Pause|| (Page 610)

A convict in Caimbalpur jail came to know about the presence of Sant Baba ji in the town and the solace he had brought to the minds of the people. His relatives visiting him in the jail had informed about the stream of Gurbani running through the minds of people who came to pay their homage to Sant ji Maharaj. People were trying to find a way to join in some kind of service for the sangat and Sant Baba ji.

The information about Sant Baba ji raised a storm of love in the mind of this convict and he longed to pay his homage. But how could he leave the jail?

He prayed in his mind, “Oh great man! You have come to bless this town with your Holy feet. I also belong to this area. Please bless me so that I also achieve salvation.”

After the prayer, some power took hold of him. He went to the room of the Jailor and requested him, “Jailor Sahib! I need temporary leave to go out of the jail for two hours.”

The Jailor was astonished to hear these words from a convict. He thought that the convict must be joking. He said to him, “Don’t you know that you have been sentenced for life. How can you be allowed to leave the prison?”

The convict said, “I know that I have been sentenced for life imprisonment. I am just asking you to let me go out of the prison for two hours.”

The Jailor was curious and asked him, “Tell me, what is the urgent need for you to leave the prison?”

“A Divine soul has come all the way from Jalandhar district to this town. He is a blessing for the town. I want to go and pay my homage to him. Please permit me leave for just two hours,” explained the convict.

The Jailor said, “It is very difficult to grant you any leave.”

The convict said, “Two hours leave is not much. I wll surely come back.” He then spoke with conviction in his voice, “If you do not permit me, then please understand that I will pray and then no one will be able to stop me from doing what I want to do. These chains, walls of the prison and even the guards will not have any affect on me.”

The Jailor was really surprised at the attitude of the convict and wondered that such a prisoner could have so much of respect for a saint whom he had never even seen.

He thought that the convict had sought permission to pay homage to the Holy saint, which is a virtuous task. His wish should be granted. The Jailor said to the convict, “OK! I will permit you to leave the prison. But you will be out for only two hours. You will be reporting to me within the prescribed time and beware, do not get entangled in any kind of offence.”

The convict thanked the Jailor and came straight to Sant Baba ji. He fell at the feet of Sant Baba ji and sat close to him. Sant Baba ji asked him, “Gurmukha! Where have you come from?”

The convict replied, “Maharaj ji! I am a convict and serving my sentence in Caimbalpur prison. I have taken leave from the Jailor for two hours to have your DARSHAN.”

Sant Baba ji asked him, “Are you the lone Sikh in the prison or are there others also?”

The convict replied, “Maharaj ji! I am alone. Even then everyone fears me. In case we were two, we would have destroyed the jail by now.”

Sant Baba ji smiled on his reply. Then after some time Sant Baba ji asked him, “How much time have you taken from the Jailor?”

The convict replied, “Maharaj ji! The Jailor has permitted me leave for two hours.”

ਸੰਤਨ ਪਹਿ ਆਪਿ ਉਧਾਰਨ ਆਇਓ ||੧|| ਰਹਾਉ ||
ਦਰਸਨ ਭੇਟਤ ਹੋਤ ਪੁਨੀਤਾ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਦ੍ਰਿੜਾਇਓ ||੧|| (ਪੰਨਾ ੧੨੯੯)

I have come to the Saints to save myself. ||1||Pause||
Gazing upon the Blessed Vision of their Darshan, I am sanctified;
they have implanted the Mantra of the Lord, Har, Har, within me. ||1|| (Page 1299)

Sant Baba ji did not talk further and instead closed his eyes and went into profound meditation. The convict kept on looking at the graceful face of Sant Baba ji. He was contented to see the glow on the Holy face. He was fortunate to observe Sant Baba ji being one with the Lord.

Sant Baba ji came out of his meditation at the correct moment. He said to the convict, “The time for your leaving has come. I take leave of you.”

The convict did not want to leave and wanted to enjoy the spiritual pleasure a little more. But he obeyed and touching the feet of Sant Baba ji left the house of Bawas – Bhallas.

The two hours time was not yet over and he reported back to the Jailor. He said to the Jailor, “You have obliged me by permitting me to pay my homage to Sant ji Maharaj. I thank you from the core of my heart for this kind gesture.” He left for his barrack and did not wait for any reply from the Jailor.

The Jailor was very impressed by the behavior of the convict. He called for his records to personally examine them. While examing the records of the stay of the Sikh convict in the prison, he calculated the time period which could be reduced from the entire life imprisonment on account of good behavior. He allowed him the maximum remission that he was permitted to do. When he then calculated the remaining term of the sentence by subtracting the days for the good behavior, he found that the the convict had over shot his term of sentence in the prison by ten days.

The Jailor went through the entire papers once again to see that no mistake had been made in the calculation. On finding his calculation to be all right, he sanctioned the release of the convict.

The convict could not believe that he would leave the prison before the completion of his term. He closed his eyes and immediately the image of Sant Baba ji appeared before him. The entire scene of the discussion with Sant Baba ji passed before his eyes. He was convinced that when Sant Baba ji had conveyed to him that his time was over, he was in fact referring to the time of his term in the prison.

ਟੂਟੇ ਬੰਧਨ ਜਾਸੁ ਕੇ ਹੋਆ ਸਾਧੂ ਸੰਗੁ ||
ਜੋ ਰਾਤੇ ਰੰਗ ਏਕ ਕੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਗੂੜਾ ਰੰਗੁ ||੧| (ਪੰਨਾ ੨੫੨)

One whose bonds are cut away joins the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Those who are imbued with the Love of the One Lord,
O Nanak, take on the deep and lasting color of His Love. ||1|| (Page 252)