Nirmal Kutiya Johalan


Sant Baba Basant Singh ji Maharaj often used to go for a walk outside the Kutiya. There was a dog in the farm of a landlord in the neighbourhood. The dog barked loudly at whosoever passed by the farm. Sant Baba ji heard the bark while he was walking.

Suddenly one day, when out for a walk, the bark was not to be heard. This continued for many days. Sant Baba ji approached the landlord and asked him, “What has happened to your dog? We don’t hear his bark these days.”

The landlord replied, “Maharaj ji! The dog has run away. It has joined the company of the street dogs. It did not show any respect for the love of the master, nor did it bother about the good food and easy living environment.”

Sant Baba ji asked him, “Does it recognize you?”

The landlord replied, “No! It does not respond to my call. It has developed worm infection in the ears.”

Sant Baba ji asked him, “Why don’t you get treatment for its illness?”

The landlord replied, “Maharaj ji! The dog has left us. It has no concern for our love. What is the point of looking after it now?”

A few days later the dog expired.

The devotees need to understand the lesson from this incident. The incident has a teaching as well as a mystery about it. One, who disassociates himself from his master, has to pass through a life worst than that of the dog. The master will not even worry about him. Here we talk of our Master, the Lord Almighty.

The moral of the story is to keep on holding to the strands of Lord’s Garments for attaining the treasure of liberation through the Lord’s Ambrosial Name.